How can a simple conversation veer off into hurt feelings and angry words?

You’re talking about something in a calm way and before you know it, emotions are up and the blame and accusations are flying. How can communicating with our loved ones, co-workers, and others be so hard?! Sadly, many of us learned to communicate in ways that actually prevent us from getting what we want.

Fortunately, there is a way of speaking and listening that can bring us the understanding and collaboration we yearn for. Millions of people around the world and thousands right here in Central Oregon have learned these skills and are enjoying the results.

“This class has helped me learn to be more accepting of others by learning to hear what they are going through without taking on their stuff as my own. It is also helping me realize that I don't need anyone's permission to feel a certain way, and they don't need mine.”
~ Deer Ridge Correctional Institution Participant

How can you communicate so it’s a door opener rather than a door closer? You really can learn to speak with honesty and be understood, listen so others feel heard, stop taking criticism personally, and create more wonderful relationships. We love helping people do that.

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If you're new to Compassionate Communication come see if it's a fit for you.

Or, if you already resonate with Compassionate Communication, check out our Classes and Practice Groups.

Photo credit Aaron Tani

Photo credit Aaron Tani

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Twice a month, we send out a newsletter to stay connected with our community. In it, we share ways to help bring Compassionate / Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into daily living. We also include announcements about new classes and offerings. Curious? If you'd like to stay informed about what we're up to, please sign up. 

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